The Alliance Canada RebrandDate: 2020-2022Rebranding The Christian and Missionary Alliance as The Alliance Canada.Evolution of the rebrandThe Alliance was started in the United States by a Canadian pastor. The logomark has evolved numerous times since its inception in the 1890s. The fourfold symbol, the iconography the Alliance uses as its distinctive identity, has been established since the beginning of the movement.1890’s LogoEarly Logo, Date Unknown1960’s Logo1970’s LogoThe Canadian movement became autonomous in the 1980s when it assumed its own visual identity. The U.S. mark was rebranded in the 1990s but the Canadian mark hasn’t strayed much from the 1970s iteration.The brand I inheritedThe logo from approximately 2015-2018. The colour and text have changed over the years, but the symbol hasn’t …
NeighbourlyDate: 2019The goal was to create a brand for a peer-to-peer fundraising platform for local and global causes. My team and I named it Neighbourly because we want to be good neighbours to people near and far. Created while working for The Alliance Canada.Web Designer: Matthew CaldwellCopywriter: Kristen ParkerMakeup of the markThe Neighbourly mark is symbolic of many households overlapping and becoming something bigger than the individual. The flowers represent human flourishing because we want to make the world a beautiful place together. We’ll refer to the icon as “the Neighbourhood” in this guide.Colour FormulasUse only these colours for Neighbourly applications.Picking the colour palette Research shows that women give significantly more to charities than men, so I created a colour …