A.B. Simpson ebooksDate: 2020-2021Pastors seeking to become licensed workers with The Alliance are required to read books written by A.B. Simpson but our organization didn’t provide them in a ebook format (.epub, .mobi, .pdf). I created these while working for The Alliance Canada.You can download the epubs at cmacan.org/resources/Original Cover for Walking in the SpiritRe-created Cover for Walking in the SpiritOriginal Cover for Wholly SanctifiedRe-created Cover for Wholly SanctifiedLet’s work togetherName *Email Address *Phone NumberMessage *0 / 500Send MessagePlease do not fill in this field. See more projectsCustom Icons, LayoutPura LightingepcrowAnnual Report, Layout, Annual ReportThe Alliance Canada Annual ReportsepcrowBranding, Web Design, logoThe Alliance Canada RebrandepcrowLayout, editing, Illustration, writingAlliance Connection MagazineepcrowBranding, Web DesignNeighbourlyepcrowLettering, Alliance, Illustration, LetteringVision PrayerepcrowAnnual Report, LayoutOneHope Annual ReportsepcrowEvent, …